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2018 - Present    CRANBORNE AUDIO


2021 - Present      CHAIRMAN


I stepped down as CEO in 2021 as I felt the founder was ready to run the business and I had other projects I wanted to actively pursue. But I retained an active role by taking over the responsibility as Chairman and the business has continued to grow and thrive and now has a revenue close to $2m.


2018 - 2021    CEO

(4 direct + 5 indirect staff at 1 global site | $1m P&L)

Joined start-up Cranborne Audio as CEO late 2018 in order to help the founders steer the business from a 'bedroom' operation into an established professional audio brand.


  • Developed a full business plan and investment memorandum.

  • Raised 3rd round funding. 

  • Moved the business into modern premises in Potters Bar.

  • Recruited four new staff, building the team to ten people.

  • Launched our first two major products in 2018

  • Developed the European sales channel, appointing distributors and dealers.

  • Developed USA logistics, creating a US entity, appointing a fulfilment partner and opening a US bank account.

  • Navigated through the tough times of COVID, successfully receiving a CBILLS loan.

  • Launched five more new products, building the product portfolio.

  • Grew the business to $1m revenue.


2015 - 2017    MUSIC GROUP


SNAPSHOT:       Joined to help evolve and transform the business, build a Professional Division with P&L responsibility for $150M and integrate the recently acquired TC Group.



(6 direct + 195 indirect staff at 9 global sites | $150M P&L)


Hired to join the senior executive team, mentor senior managers and design, build and lead the Professional Division with direct P&L responsibility for $150M, managing culturally diverse sales, NPI and R&D teams across UK, US, China, and Europe.


Developed and implemented business plan for the new Professional Division:-

  • Built Professional Division management team to drive the new division, recruited new senior staff and re-focused existing staff.

  • Transformed sales channels by re-organising into vertical market teams in order to improve focus on system sales and expertise

  • Developed and strengthened B2B sales channels via distribution, rep force, consultants, contractors and installers with ‘road show’ visits to all key sales partners

  • Strengthened B2C sales via retail and online with visits to key online partners

  • Developed strong Professional Division product portfolio, identified and addressed system weaknesses and specified a range of highly targeted product for the professional market

  • Defined ambitious sales goals, achieving 92% of revenue target and 105% EBIT in first year.


Assisted with the integration of the recently acquired TC Group ($150M). TC Group had poor morale, high staff turnover including senior managers and felt like the ‘ugly step-child’ after being acquired:-

  • Addressed poor morale in TC Group business units with urgent effect in order to stabilise the business, convincing two senior managers to withdraw resignations

  • Set up and lead corporate European Executive Team to empower local leaders

  • Started active quarterly briefings to improve communication across all sites

  • Visited all European sites, interacting with management and employees, seeking opinions, generating ideas, strengthening relationships and gaining buy-in.

  • Moved TC Group products into corporate portfolio, enabling consolidation of manufacturing, sales, R&D, product management and supply chain.

  • Negotiated severance with the North American CEO, who expressed discontent with the Owner, overseeing a search for a replacement and transition, resulting in 5% sales increase.




SNAPSHOT:       Thirteen years serving on Executive Team of Professional Division with $1.1Bn sales, leading three Business Units with complete P&L responsibility for $200M



(10 direct + 415 indirect staff at 5 global sites | $10M CapEx | $40M OpEx | $200M P&L)


Promoted to President of Mixing, Microphone & Headphone Strategic Business Unit (MM&H SBU) based in London, with P&L responsibility for three Harman businesses in Europe (Soundcraft, Studer and AKG). In this role I acquired the leadership of the AKG business unit in addition to the Mixer Group business unit.


Grew SBU revenue from $170M to $200M over three year period, increasing EBIT to 23%


Reviewed and re-organised the AKG business unit resulting in a 28% increase in revenue and 14% increase in EBIT%

  • Implemented a series of senior management changes, including the appointment of a new General Manager, Marketing Director and Sales Director.

  • Conducted a new pricing strategy across most product ranges in order to grow market share.

  • Aggressive functional cost management reduced SG&A% by >4%

  • Held a complete review of product strategy, generating a new 3 year product roadmap including focus on new adjacent market product lines

  • Further outsourced high volume product lines to improve contribution margin and drive EBIT growth.


Consolidated the manufacturing of bespoke Mixer Group products into UK facility

  • Announced that the Swiss manufacturing facility would be closing, sparking unrest, union activity and government intervention. Liaised with corporate legal team and group CEO prior to meeting the Swiss government and resolving the union conflict.

  • Recruited new, and retrained existing, operations staff prior to a transfer of all Swiss made products to UK. The Swiss factory was then closed, releasing 30 high cost Swiss manufacturing and operations staff contributing to massive cost savings.

  • Relocated remaining Swiss team into a lower cost, smaller, hi-tech facility further reducing SG&A.


Acquired SMPro (Dec 2014) adding $9M revenue in 2015 rising to $25M within two years and introducing ground breaking technology

  • Prepared business case, including revenue targets, margin targets, ROI and product & technology roadmaps

  • Presented to Harman corporate in order to seek approval for acquisition which was approved


Engaged with consultants to implement Six Sigma projects in both UK and Austrian factories, improving efficiency, reducing CoPQ and changing the operations culture to one of pride and quality


Focus on faster New Product Introduction at higher contribution margins across the SBU, increasing SBU CM% by over 3%


Strengthened emphasis on system sales and training


Drove an innovation culture across all three businesses, encouraging a sharing of technology and building a strong product and technology portfolio.

  • Developed a cross SBU technology linking microphones to Mixing consoles in order to offer a strategic product offering.



2004 - 2010    PRESIDENT / MANAGING DIRECTOR – Mixer Group

(9 direct + 305 indirect staff | $4M CapEx | $20M OpEx | $100M P&L)


Promoted to President of Mixer Group with responsibility for two Harman businesses (Soundcraft and Studer) and tasked with transforming the business.


Grew market share, increased revenue from $70M to $100M, resulting in a business turnaround from break-even to 16% EBIT over five year period


Integrated two separate businesses creating a single management team, consolidated R&D, New Product Introduction, Marketing, Finance, HR and Operations teams. Sales and Customer Services were kept separate.


Consolidated Manufacturing & Operations generating a net reduction in SG&A by over $10M

  • Renovated the UK facility, investing $7M into new hi-tech SMT equipment.

  • Transfered manufacturing of PCB assemblies from Switzerland to new UK facility, reducing functional costs and improving contribution margins.

  • Outsourced high volume product lines to China, reducing SG&A and further strengthening contribution margins.

  • Reduced direct staffing from 700 to 220, significantly reducing SG&A

  • Commenced LEAN manufacturing in UK facility using a vendor to educate the manufacturing and operations teams, driving a decrease in CoPQ.


Remodelled the NPI process and restructured R&D.

  • Consolidated and refocused the R&D team in order to drive development of new digital technology and products

  • Eliminated duplication of design resource across the team

  • Strengthened and coordinated software development across the two brands

  • Generated competence teams to focus on key areas of technology development

  • Re-skilled where appropriate and recruited new engineers to focus on digital development

  • Developed new 5 year product and technology roadmap


2003 - 2004    MANAGING DIRECTOR - Soundcraft

(6 direct + 725 indirect staff | $1M CapEx | $9M OpEx | $50M P&L)


Hired to transform a loss making business.


  • Business stabilised from loss making to break even with aggressive cost management.

  • Developed strategic plan for long term growth and presented to Harman corporate board for buy-in.

  • Established employee trust, rebuilt executive team, rejuvenated and re-motivated all departments.

  • Divested non-strategic / non-profitable sub brands and product lines




1995 - 2002    Pace Micro Technology PLC

Divisional CEO, Director of Technology & Strategic Development, Engineering Director, Engineering Manager


1991 - 1995    DCE Communications Group

R&D Manager


1987 - 1991    Studiomaster

Digital Design Engineer


1983 - 1987    Self Employed

Hardware & Software Engineer




Harman Mentoring Programme § Senior Management Coaching

Media Training (UK & US) § IoD Training


1983    BACHELOR OF SCIENCE – Computer & Control Engineering

Coventry University



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